How to delete deployed apps from blackberry simulator?
Run clean.bat file to delete deployed apps from simulator.
For eg:
C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Smartphone Simulators 7.0.0\ (9900)
click on clean.bat
This will delete all deployed apps.
what if clean.bat doesn't work and even if try to execute it from command line.. it would throw some error like [ Unable to find the master manifest! exiting... ]
ReplyDeleteThis error is thrown from clean.bat file which is as follows
@echo off
echo [ Cleaning up the simulator directory... ]
if not exist _manifest goto error
echo [ Marking files listed in manifest as Read-only... ]
for /f %%f in ( _manifest ) do CALL :attrib +r %%f
echo [ Deleting all files not listed in manifest... ]
del /q /a-r *
echo [ Unmarking Read-only files... ]
for /f %%f in ( _manifest ) do CALL :attrib -r %%f
goto :EOF
echo [ Changing Attributes for %2 (%1)... ]
attrib %1 %2 >NUL 2>&1
goto :EOF
echo [ Unable to find the master manifest! exiting... ]
which means either "_manifest" file is not present in simulator's directory or the file is corrupted.