Multiple LDAP servers

We can supply a space-separated list of URLs of the LDAP server.
In this case, the LDAP provider will attempt to use each URL in turn until it is able to create a successful connection.
The LDAP provider will then set the Context.PROVIDER_URL property to the successful URL, so that the application can determine which URL is being used.

Here is an example of how to specify a list of URLs of LDAP servers.

Hashtable env = new Hashtable(11);

// Specify list of space-separated URLs
    "ldap://notthere:389 " +
    "ldap://localhost:389 " +
    "ldap://remotehost:389 " +
    "ldap://thirdhost:389");                   // here 389 is the LDAP default port no.

// Create initial context
DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(env);

// See which server was used

// do something useful with ctx


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