Apache's Nifi processor for Infinispan cache

Below are the custom processors For Fetching and Inserting in Infinispan cache


1. Nifi Instance up and running
2. Infinispan server up and running

I) GetFromInfinispanCache :
This processor will get the value from Infinispan cache for the given Cache Name and Cache Key.

 - It has two relationships Success and Failure
  - Infinispan Host
  - Infinispan Port
  - Cache Name
  - Cache Key
  - Put Cache Value In Attribute - Fill this only if the Cache value should be set as a FlowFile Attribute else it will set the Cache value in FlowFile content. This supports expression language of Variable registry and FlowFile Attribute

II) PutInInfinispanCache
This processor will put the value in Infinispan cache for the given Cache Name and Cache Key and Cache Value.

 - It has two relationships Success and Failure
  - Infinispan Host
  - Infinispan Port
  - Cache Name
  - Cache Key
  - Cache Value - This supports expression language of Variable registry and FlowFile Attribute

Steps to add these processors in any Nifi setup:
- Build the application from root application's pom.xml
- This will generate a nar file `nifi-infinispanCache-nar-1.0.nar` in ``{nifi-infinispan-processor}\nifi-putInInfinispanCache-nar\target\ folder``
- Copy this nar file in nifi instance lib folder `{nifi-home}\lib`
- Restart Nifi
- Processor will be available in the repository

The processor is opensourced and the Github URL link.


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