Possible reasons for Processor's Data Provenance of Apache Nifi not displaying data

Below are some of the possible reasons that the Processor's Data Provenance of Apache Nifi not displaying data

1. No rights to write data in the directory  or Disk storage issue

Nifi maintains some repositories for persisting the data like Content Repository, Flow Repository, Provenance repository. So the application may not be having writing rights so there is no data in the Data provenance

2. Incorrect Data/Time of the machine

There is a property in nifi.properties


The maximum amount of time to keep data provenance information. The default value is 24 hours
So the nifi time and the machine time is different then adjust this duration accordingly.

3. Applied Filter

There is a possibility that in the Data provenance screen some filter is applied that does not return any records. Try to clear the search.

4. Data provenance is not persisted

Check nifi.properties file for "nifi.provenance.repository.implementation" property.

If it has "VolatileProvenanceRepository" value that means it is an in-memory repository

# Provenance Repository Properties
For persistent it should be "PersistentProvenanceRepository"

# Provenance Repository Properties

For more information, check the log files i.e. nifi-app.log. It has data provenance queries, the time taken by the queries, etc. This will also have some more information of exceptions if occurred.


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